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Salt & Light Lifestyle

Our Blog

Chronicles of salt and light is a blog site which is designed as a Christian lifestyle blog that tells stories that inspire others in their own life’s journey.

Day 2 : You are not an Accident

My Take Home Message from Purpose Driven Life Book By Rick Warren… You are not an accident. Indeed, you are not! God did not create you just to exist. He created you to love Him. We came out of Him. We are the essence of God. He calls us His favourite!. He chose us to be Holy and without blame before Him in love. We are a creation of His love. The apple of His eye. I am reminded of a […]

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Day 1: It All Starts With God

My Take Home Message from Purpose Driven Life Book By Rick Warren… It all starts with God! It is not about you! Everything was created throguh HIM and for Him. Indeed, my life is not my own. He already puchased me expensively that it costed His own precious blood! No wonder Jesus told His disciples that if anyone wanted to go with Him, they must deny self, take up their cross daily and follow Him. Engage in God’s word daily so […]

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Breakfast With The King By Jasmine Macharia

My friend Rose introduced me to this cookbook way back in early 2018, but for some reason, I did not prioritise to follow up on purchasing it. I really love books, and I have been really interested in Kenyan writers of late. I had the opportunity to place an order for the cookbook towards the end of this year by reaching out to the author via Instagram (@cookingwithjaz), and within 2 days, the book was delivered. Her service was delightful! […]

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